Obama has turned his righteous huffing about executive pay into a proposed law. As CEO of a taxpayer-funded organization that’s running a projected trillion-dollar annual deficit, Barry looks like a hypocritical fool:
Presidential Compensation
Cash Compensation:
Salary: $400,000
Cash Subtotal: $400,000Room and Board:
55,000 sq ft mansion, in historic D.C.: @ $100/sqft: $5,500,000/yr
Personal Chef / Kitchen Staff: $300,000 / year
Other Servants / Attendants: $500,000 / year
R&B Subtotal: $6,300,000Discretionary Use Of Private Aircraft:
(One of 2 Boeing 747-200Bs "Air Force One"):
Annual Costs: 700 hours @ $65,000/hr: $45,500,000
Helicopter Fleet:
Annual Costs: 50 hours @ $5200/hr: $260,000
Aircraft Subtotal: $45,760,000Other Personnel:
Personal Driver On Retainer (Defensive Tactical Driving Trained) @ $300/day $109,500
Personal Body Guards 35 @ $500/day $6,387,500
Use Of Personal Car 60 days @ $2000/day $120,000
Personnel Subtotal: $6,617,000Annual Benefits Total: $59,077,000
Four Years of Same: $236,308,000
Pension And Related Benefits:
Present value of Pension Benefits ($200,000 per year): $2,251,556Total Benefits: $238,559,556
Average Annual Benefits: $59,639,889
Next time President Tokyo Rose is talking down the US economy and wagging his finger about greed and shameful excess, go ahead and laugh hysterically.
He makes $60 million per year and can’t even find the door to his office. In the last week, he admitted poor judgment for nominating a cadre of tax cheats to his cabinet, and compared himself to Lincoln, who had to “learn on the job”, too. Didn’t he run on judgment as a subsitute for experience? Who elected this clown?