It is true that there could have been no Obama presidency had Dr King and the movement he sprang from not existed, but that simple fact of history does not amount to a King benediction from the grave for Obama's moral character and political policies.
Indeed, Dr King's life and words are indelible evidence that he and Obama represent opposing moral and political camps.
Tens of millions of African-Americans - who did not choose the little-known Obama to be their champion, but supported him near-universally at the polls once his candidacy had been made "viable" - will celebrate a vicarious attainment of power when Obama is sworn in.
Yet when confronted on Obama's political agenda, enough of which has been put in motion and otherwise made plain since election day, few Black Obama supporters can mount a cogent defence.
It is not simply that the Obama-ites failed to muster a defence in Harlem or Baltimore or other venues; admittedly, it is difficult to defend the indefensible.
What is most shocking - maddening - is their rejection of any political or moral standard for evaluating the black soon-to-be president.
All that remains is the fact of Obama's power and the delusion that blacks somehow share in that power.
There is no thought of speaking the truth to those in power, and certainly no place for a moral compass in such a valueless void.
Barry is President due to the color of his skin. If this is the fulfillment of Dr. King’s dream, that dream was nothing special. Such a dream would be little more than racist vengeance, “Put a negro in the White House, and we’ll take what we deserve!” It is not Strength to Love, it is love of strength.
I understand The Dream to be something different. And it still waits.