Piracy off the Somali coast continues to be a significant concern. Fourteen ships and over 200 sailors are currently held captive. Fret not, the UN is on the case:
The United Nations Security Council has unanimously approved a US resolution allowing countries to pursue Somali pirates on land as well as at sea.
It is an extension of the powers countries already have to enter Somali waters to chase pirates.
…Tuesday's UN resolution was the fourth approved by the Security Council since June to combat piracy off Somalia's coast.
It gives authority for one year for countries to use "all necessary measures" by land or air to stop anyone using Somali territory to plan, help or carry out acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea.
The stage is being set for an invasion of East Africa. Failed states, terrorist havens, etc. And Obama, outside of his lies empty rhetoric about getting out of Iraq, is not a dove. He wants more troops in Afghanistan. He’s willing to attack targets in Pakistan. His plan for the DoD is copied from Rumsfeld. The lefties are disappointed with his hawkish choices for the war positions in his Cabinet.
I repeat my prediction: Barry is going to invade his ancestral homeland. We’re now just arguing about the composition of this next “coalition of the willing”, and following UN procedure:
The US had hinted that it would seek the creation of a UN peacekeeping force for Somalia, to head off a slide into deeper chaos there. But stiff opposition, in particular from UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, led the US to shelve the idea – although Rice suggested that the US may ask the Security Council to create such a force before year's end.
Mr. Ban's resistance to the US proposal stems from the fact that he can find no UN members willing to lead what would be a dangerous and complicated mission.
"The secretary-general has made it clear that he's spoken with 50 different countries and three different agencies, and so far not one of them has volunteered to lead such a force," says a UN official in Ban's office, speaking on condition of anonymity to more freely discuss hurdles to the American proposal.
…Besides the piracy problem, the prospect that Somalia may soon deteriorate further is prompting a sense of urgency. Ethiopia says it will withdraw its troops, which have brought a semblance of order and helped to prop up Somalia's weak interim government – by the end of the year. That would leave the undermanned African Union force as perhaps the last barrier to the fall of Somalia to radical Islamists.
The Al Qaeda-linked al-Shabaab insurgent group has been gaining strength as the Somali people chafe at what they see, increasingly, as an Ethiopian occupation. The number of foreign Islamists in Somalia is rising, warn Africa and extremism experts, raising the specter of an Islamist takeover. "Osama bin Laden and his organization have had influence in Somalia before," says the UN official, "so there's real reason for concern that a further deterioration in Somalia's governability could mean a return of that influence, and rather fast."
Given Al-Qaeda’s fetish for dates, perhaps we’ll see a supertanker destroyed on 3-11-09. But, will the pirates, who are in it for money, allow Al-Q to blow up their golden goose?