While pseudo-intellectual elites are wringing their hands about globalistical warmening threatening to drown worthless places like Tuvalu, the actual climate is freezing people off Peruvian mountaintops:
For alpaca farmer Ignacio Beneto Huamani and his young family, life in the Peruvian Andes, at almost 4,700m above sea level, has always been a struggle against the elements. His village of Pichccahuasi, in Peru's Huancavelica region, is little more than a collection of small thatched shelters and herds of alpaca surrounded by beautiful, yet bleakly inhospitable, mountain terrain.
The few hundred people who live here are hardened to poverty and months of sub-zero temperatures during the long winter. But, for the fourth year running, the cold came early. First their animals and now their children are dying and in such escalating numbers that many fear that life in the village may be rapidly approaching an end.
Oh, yeah, it’s now “climate change”. But the blade on that hockey stick graph points up. Are we to assume that climate change somehow selectively exaggerates its effects to amplify the weather where poor people live?
Yes, if you ask the people who make a living finding victims of weather:
Climate change campaigners and development NGOs say that the failure of Copenhagen has signed the death warrant for hundreds of thousands of the world's poorest and that a quarter of a million children will die before world leaders meet again to try to thrash out another deal at the United Nations next climate change conference in Mexico in December.
Whatever the politics, the people in Huancavelica are dying right now. They don’t need to wait and see if the sea actually does rise some day. If the world must act immediately, these Peruvians should be at the front of the line for help:
"All the children here are sick, they all have breathing problems," he says. "The problem is there is too much cold, too much rain.”
Any money the village has is spent on trying to keep their animals from dying. NGOs and children's groups working in the area warn that in such desperate situations, the lives of alpaca become more valuable than those of children.
"In the west we tend to think that children take priority above all else, but when there is this level of desperation, children can be the last to get the attention they so badly need – until it is too late."
Even if climate change theory was actually scientific and proven, curlicue light bulbs would not matter to Pichccahuasi.
H/T: Maggie’s Farm