I don’t like political parties. I understand why they exist in the United States, but they ultimately serve themselves more than serving the people. But I may attend my first party caucus next week.
I want to support the Constitution and it quirky proponent, Ron Paul. He can’t win, he’s crazy, he will get us all blown up by Iranians, blah, blah blah. But if I have integrity to my belief in our Founding Principles, and if this really is The Most Important Election Ever! I must go support the candidate who best represents my view. There are no bystanders.
I knew that Minnesota’s caucus was next week, on February 7th. I hadn’t made the leap to thinking of participating. But the Ron Paul campaign sent me a letter. Nobody else has bothered to remind me or inspire me. Paul wants my vote, and I want him to have it. So, being a newbie to the party system, what is required? Where do I go?
The Minnesota GOP isn’t much help. The Minneapolis Republicans are a little better. But both sites are geared toward people already involved. Why don’t the Republicans make it easy for newbies and first-timers? Being a political animal, I knew the keywords to find the location of my BPOU (basic political operating unit) caucus. But it was not clear if had to register as a Republican to participate.
Then I rembered the Blue Republicans, which I posted about a couple of weeks ago. One click on a map, and I have my answer:
Minnesota has an open caucus, so you do not need to switch parties.
I’m in! But will I be welcome? Does it matter, as long as my vote gets counted?
Since the GOP websites stink, and since I support all the minor parties, the Minnesota Secretary of State caucus page has the best list, and a one-stop Caucus Finder.
Don’t be a bystander.
Who knew the Whigs were active in Minnesota?
Probably not for me, but God Bless ’em.